Sunday, December 5

my Mr. & Mrs Caretaker

Assalamualaikum and hello hello my readers !

I hope we all have the beautiful bless from Allah from day to day ..
Yesterday ,
i was very , very , very , very
touched while reading one note at my friend's wall at facebook .
my schoolmate
; Saifullah ;
i am surely this note are famous and you all must have read it already .
sadly i only founded and read it yesterday .

. pity nia .

very late and ketinggalan zaman :(
what i want to share today
is the truthful of the note which is
i think it is very very easy to understand .

let ' s read the note first .
p/s : anyone that heard this note for the first time ?
welcome to the club 'ketinggalan zaman' (^_^) hehe !
I'm just had to write it in my blog because
i'm too touched .


I'm sorry ....


For what?

You didn't do anything wrong .


I'm sorry cos you get hurt bcos of me .

Whenever I made a mistake ,

you're always there to erase it .

But as you make my mistakes vanish ,

you lose a part of yourself .

You get smaller and smaller each time .


That's true .

But I don't really mind .

You see , I was made to do this .

I was made to help you whenever

you do something wrong .

Even though one day ,

I know I'll be gone


you'll replace me with a new one ,

I'm actually happy with my job .

So please , stop worrying .

I hate seeing you sad .


I am agree that this conversation


the pencil and the eraser very inspirational .


Parents are like the eraser


their children are the pencil .


They're always there for their children ,

cleaning up their mistakes .

Sometimes along the way ...

they get hurt ,


become smaller (older, and eventually pass on) .


Though their children will eventually find someone new (spouse),

but parents are still happy


what they do for their children ,

and will always hate seeing their

precious ones worrying ,


sad .

You are not just a priority .

You are more than my life .


Sometimes the laughter in fathering and mothering is the
recognition of the ironies and absurdities .
Sometime ,
though , it's just pure , unthinking delight


It's true that i as a children are
natural mimics
who act like my ayah and mama despite
every effort to teach me good manners .


ayah and mama are
inspirational ,
great minds ,
unique ,
calm and warm (ayah saje) hehe ,


although sometimes ,
listening to parents' advice is
sort of like watching commercials .
i know what's coming ,
i've heard it all before ,
it's a big bore ,
but i listen anyway :)


i'm sorry :(
i'm not a very good daughter enough
but i promise you one thing
i will be next to you both forever

Ya Allah,

Rendahkanlah suaraku bagi mereka
Perindahlah ucapanku di de
pan mereka

Lunakkanlah watakku terhadap mereka dan
Lembutkan hatiku untuk mereka.......

Ya Allah,
Berilah mereka balasan yang sebaik-baiknya,
atas didikan mereka padaku dan
Pahala yang besar atas kasih sayang yang mereka limpahkan padaku,

peliharalah mereka sebagaimana mereka memeliharaku.

Ya Allah,
Apa saja gangguan yang telah mereka rasakan
atau kesusahan yang mereka deritakan kerana aku,
atau hilangnya sesuatu hak mereka kerana perbuatanku,
maka jadikanlah itu semua penyebab susutnya
dosa-dosa mereka dan bertambahnya pahala
kebaikan mereka dengan perkenan-Mu ya Allah,hanya Engkaulah yang berhak membalas
kejahatan dengan kebaikan berlipat ganda.

Ya Allah,
Bila magfirah-Mu telah mencapai mereka sebelumku,
Izinkanlah mereka memberi syafa'at untukku.
Tetapi jika sebaliknya, maka izinkanlah aku
memberi syafa'at untuk mereka,sehingga kami semua berkumpul bersama dengan santunan-Mu
di tempat kediaman yang dinaungi kemulian-Mu, ampunan-Mu serta rahmat-Mu.

Sesungguhnya Engkaulah yang memiliki Kurnia Maha Agung,
serta anugerah yang tak berakhir
dan Engkaulah yang Maha Pengasih diantara semua pengasih.

Amin Ya Rabbul Alamin..

thanks ayah , thanks ma
for giving me your hand to guiding my steps
i love you
Mr. & Mrs. Caretaker

1 comment:

  1. who's saifullah ?

    nice entry bebi,
    but i'm still confuse , how bout ur bf?
